Friday, December 25, 2020


The year 2020 will be a memorable year for everyone. It is the year that time stood still. A pandemic broke loose and the world suddenly stopped. Many want the year to end already for it has brought misfortunes and sufferings to people. Economies are in near-collapse, the number of those who got infected by the corona virus rise until this writing. Everyone lived in fear.

But there are things that we also should be thankful for. Our families have become closer. There was a worldwide realization that things should be simpler. Nature has to be taken cared of properly. Going back to basics is a feat that we could have never achieved if we continued with our old ways.

There is a lot to be thankful for but we should not forget those who have lost their battle with the Covid-19 virus. As we see the light at the end of the tunnel, let us remember them with fondness and be thankful to those who worked to save the lives of the lucky ones - our frontliners.

Despite of the year that was, I believe that there is still a reason to be merry. Personally, I look forward to a better Christmas 2021. God bless humankind!


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