Saturday, April 30, 2016

When in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one territory that is so near the Philippines. It's just two hours away by plane. Sometimes, if the weather is good, it takes only one and a half hours. It is one very popular destination especially for the shopping-go-lucky Pinoys. It is our Mecca for cheap and up-to-date fashion finds.
Personally, Hong Kong is one concrete jungle where, literally, east meets west. I like the fusion of eastern culture and the fast pace of western life. Well, both can co-exist in Hong Kong since it is a financial hub of Asia.
There are a lot of things that one can do when in Hong Kong. Aside from the usual shopping, there are may places to visit. Ocean Park, Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Disneyland and a lot more are places that Hong Kong can offer. Though is has a small land area, it seems as big as the other metropolis in Asia because of the many automobiles that traverse it limited streets. Couple it with the growing number of people who visit the whole year round.
It offers tourists and residents alike different activities to everyone's enjoyment. In one trip, I was able to visit a floral festival. In another trip, I was able to witness a garden design competition. The Hong Kong Fashion Week is held twice a year.
Despite the influx of modernity, Hong Kong has maintained it oriental mystique. It has adapted to western culture but there is still the eastern side to it.
Many times I have visited Hong Kong but it is one city that I will not get tired of visiting. Of course, my main agenda is to shop. Its many boutiques and stores entice me to go back every now and then. When in Hong Kong...enjoy!

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