Friday, March 25, 2016

Amazing Macau

Macau is dubbed as the Las Vegas of Asia. It is true! What with the rise of different casino-hotels which can only be seen in Las Vegas. It has lived up to its image as the freeport of China. It is part of the country's Special Administrative Region aside from Hong Kong.
It is a former territory of Portugal that is why some buildings, street signages and other significant establishments still have the Portuguese language printed on them. Not only is the Portuguese culture evident in signages. Macau people still cook food that the Portuguese colonizers have imbibed in them. After 1999, it was returned to China and is now enjoying the perks of being an "open" city of sorts.
The catholic influence is very much evident in Macau. In its tourist area alone, you can see its famous St. Paul's church ruins and when you go lower, you will see the Church of Sto. Domingo.
Of course, Chinese culture is very much felt. Obviously because it is actually part of Mainland China. Macau is one territory which successfully combines the cultures of the East and the West. Just like Hong Kong, it is a place where two different ways of life co-exist.
It is dubbed as the Las Vegas of the East because of the rise of different gaming venues. Each time I visit the city, casinos and hotels are newly-built. Shopping venues spring up left and right. Macau may be small but it is teeming with activities suited for one's taste and purpose of travel.
Macau can be reached via different international airlines that fly to the territory. Ferry service from Hong Kong regularly service those who plan to cross to the city. Mainland Chinese people can enter the border in Zhuhai and take land transportation.
The many times that I have visited Macau, I still find it amazing each time I see it. It has become at par with its neighboring "open" city and will continue to amaze people who will go to visit.

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