Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Missing Manado (Indonesia)

A few years ago, I had the privilege of visiting Manado in the Province of Sulawesi Utara or North Sulawesi, Indonesia.  It is a fast-rising city that side of the Indonesian archipelago which is just a few miles south of Davao City.  The Manado trip was my first outside the Philippines (you can just imagine how many years ago that was).
Honestly, I was surprised to see that Manado is fast-becoming a bustling city in Indonesia.  Despite the forthcoming modernity, it has maintained its charm and allure.  Buildings are beginning to mushroom and businesses have sprung up.  Its population is also increasing through the years.
One thing that I have observed is the cleanliness of the city.  I thought that it being too far from the capital city of Jakarta, Manado would look like an area which is far from development.  But I was wrong.  It is because of the effective governance of its local government that it has breezed through with ease.  It is a city which can be called major in a few years.  It is one dive site where one can enjoy the beauty of nature at its best.
Hotels and resorts have been built to accommodate the influx of tourists.  Novotel Manado, where I stayed, is one hotel which gives five star service to its clients.  It has an infinity pool that has a good view of Manado Bay.  Other hotels are also available for the comfort of visitors.
Regular flights to this Indonesia city from Davao City have ceased a few years back but sometimes, there are chartered flights that ply the route.  Safely, one can fly to Jakarta first then take a domestic flight to Manado.
Should you decide to travel to Indonesia in a place less visited, Manado is a must-try.  Its peace and order is one of the best in the archipelago.  For whatever it may offer, it's for you to find out.  And, yes, I miss Manado.

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