Sunday, October 25, 2015

Batam: A Fast-Rising Tourist Haven in Indonesia

Batam is a city in Indonesia which is only 45 minutes ferry ride from Singapore. It is a fast-rising haven for technology-savvy tourists.
Despite being least known among Indonesian cities, Batam shows a lot of promise as a side-trip destination if one wants to see another Asean city aside from Singapore. It has a community ready to take on tourists who would like to experience another kind of culture.
The city has shopping malls built to take on local and foreign tourists. Indonesian as well as brands from overseas are sold for the buying public. Restaurants catering to different tastes are all over. Crafts made by the locals are easily accessible in shopping areas.
Development is inevitable as evidenced by infrastructure built for the populace as well as for visitors. But Batam has maintained a certain Indonesian mystique that tourists look for.
The city is ready to take in more tourists as resorts, hotels, restaurants and other tourist places as sprung up especially in recent years.

Although Batam is an Indonesian city, it is easier to go there via Singapore. Jakarta is miles away from the city. I was surprised that the exchange rate in the ferry terminal is better than the money changer stalls in the malls. It is suggested that tourists change their money from reliable exchange counters in the ferry terminal.

Given more years, Batam is definitely a tourist haven waiting to be explored.

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