Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Universal Studios Singapore

If Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai have their respective Disneyland Parks, Singapore has Universal Studios - Southeast Asia's first and only Universal Studios Theme Park with seven themed zones located in Sentosa Island.

Once you enter the premises, there is a certain kind of electricity that envelopes you. Excitement and happiness set in. The urge to explore the area is immediate. With the many things that this version of Universal Studios offers, you might think that one day is not enough. The transparent roofing makes the ambience colder and different from the usual tropical weather in Singapore.

The Revenge of the Mummies and Madagascar are just two of several movie-themed places that you can see in the theme park. It should be noted that the movie theme areas are the movies produced by Universal Studios. These two are the most visited ones not to mention the massive space that The Waterworld occupies to the delight of the visitors.

For those whose adrenalin rush is high, riding the roller coaster is a must. With the many entanglements of the route, one's adventurous persona is will be satisfied. There is also the Jurassic theme ride with the faux dinosaurs that you will see along the way.

Other characters of Universal Studios produced movies roam around the perimeter. Just like any other theme park, you can have pictures taken with those who are available. Mascots, dancers and other performers are everywhere to share happiness to everyone.

With 20 hectares of space to roam around, it is really hard to visit every nook and cranny of the said theme park. But if you have the patience and stamina to go on and on, the whole place is worth enjoying.

For those who would want to buy souvenir items, the Universal Studios Store has a lot of items to choose from. Food stalls are also scattered around but the food court offers a variety of menus to satisfy your gastronomic taste.

They say that fun in Universal Studios Singapore starts at night. But based on my visit experience, day or night, it's a happy place to visit. Universal Studios would not be what it is if it does not let everyone experience HAPPINESS to the hilt. When the pandemic is over, try visiting this entertainment theme park this side of Asia.

Credit to the owners of some of the photos.

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