Friday, January 1, 2021


What happened in 2020 are learnings that we should remember for the rest of our lives. It was during this lifetime that a pandemic ravaged the world. It seemed that time stood still. Suddenly, we became afraid to wander. Paranoia set in. The virus ruled our minds and lifestyle. For some people, it was an unexpected year. Nobody was prepared for what has befallen mankind.

Personally, it was a time for reflection. We may have enjoyed the things that the world has offered us. We enjoyed to the point that we felt we were invincible. We thought that the world was really ours. Little did we realize that through the journey of our material-driven life, we really abused what nature offered to us. We became so selfish that we thought we can do anything that our heart desired.

Nature fought back. It unleashed a virus that we did not expect to affect us all. The abuses that man has inflicted on nature has come back. We have become victims of our own wrong-doings. And now, we are made to realize to go back to basics.

I am not blaming anyone for what has become of the world. We all did our share in the degradation of the relationship between man and nature. With the new year, we are again given time to reflect and make amends so that we can go back to our ways as changed and better people. Sometimes, lessons have to be learned the hard way.

Despite of everything, I wish everyone a new year full of hope for a better environment. I wish everyone good health away from the ravages of Covid-19. I pray to God that we clean our hearts in bringing to fore a better human race.

Let's us have a prosperous 2021 and may this year give us better world for everyone.

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