Monday, September 14, 2020

World Expo 2010 Shanghai China

The World Expo 2010, also known as Expo 2010 Shanghai China, was held for six months from May 1 to October 31, 2010. It was participated in by a total of 246 countries and international organizations. Its site was at a property on both banks of the Huangpu River which covers 5.28 square kilometers of land. 192 countries had pavilions or exhibition areas which showcased their respective cultures.
Of course, host China had the biggest pavilion complete with performers, exhibits, visual presentations and other activities which made it the most interesting pavilion and the most visited at that.
The Philippine Pavilion was right at the entrance to the Expo grounds and it was strategically located. Visitors cannot miss our country's area because it was all white and had hands imprinted around the building. Along the Nanpu Bridge-Lupu Bridge, from the airport going to our hotel, the Philippine Pavilion can be seen right away. It was shining with clapping hands around it signifying the festive culture of Filipinos.
Personally, the pavilion that I liked best was that of Saudi Arabia. I felt that it was the most expensively-done pavilion. 360 degrees of LED presentation about Saudi Arabian history and culture was highlighted. It was technically superior and they even had bedouin performers while we were queuing to go inside their much-anticipated pavilion. It took us more than 5 hours just to fall in line and have the Saudi Arabia pavilion experience. It was worth the wait.
Great Britain's "Seed Cathedral" was also a favorite. It had no big exhibits inside but you have to look into the seeds inside the spikes of the pavilion to understand British culture through the centuries. For me, it was intelligently done.
Another one of my favorites was the Italian Pavilion. It showcased the works of renowned Italian fashion designers who have made their marks in the global fashion scene. Why not? They have made Italy more popular with their works.
When I entered the Spanish Pavilion, I thought I was in a labyrinth. But each corner that I went to, there were surprises. I felt I had to visit their pavilion because I wanted to know more of the country that colonized the Philippines for 333 years. It was one way of touching base with the heritage that is a big part of my country.
Not to be outdone were the pavilions of other Asian nations which were also eye-catching. Those that I noticed were the pavilions of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, India and Japan. Each pavilion in the expo were really well thought of and each country really spent to have nice looking pavilions because the expo was one of the best ways for promotion and marketing.
Other pavilions worth visiting were those of Brazil, U.S.A., Denmark, France and Russia. With the many pavilions in a sprawling property, we were not able to visit all. In the 10 days that we stayed in Shanghai, all the above pavilions were the only ones we were able to visit. Just like I said about the Saudi Arabia pavilion, it takes hours for people to go inside each pavilion. Queuing took most of our time.
Shanghai really prepared for its hosting of the World Expo. They had efficient transport services to and from the site. They had shuttle buses from points in the city and trains that were meant to bring visitors to the expo venue. There was the usual Shanghai traffic but they had an efficient road traffic system that made travel easier.
China made sure that their hosting as flawless. Hotels and condominiums were built near the expo site for the convenience of international visitors. A zoo and park were refurbished to the enjoyment of the expo-goers.
Commemorative coins and medals were sold for souvenir purposes. But they were hot items that were purchased by visitors before noon of each day. I was able to buy the souvenir book of the expo which only cost RMB100 (or around P900).
My experience at the World Expo 2010 were both memorable and enriching. I was able to learn more about the culture of other countries. It made me realize that although we are different in race, we can come as one to appreciate each other nation's culture. I enjoyed that travel 10 years ago. I hope I can go and experience the World Expo 2020 (now 2021) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Credits to the owners of some of the photos.

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