Monday, August 10, 2020

Florence and Firenze (Italy) are One and the Same

Florence is the capital city of the Tuscany region in Italy. During medieval times, it was the center of trade and finance in the entire Europe. It is very evident with the many business establishments that you can find in the city.
The Florence countryside is teeming with vegetation most especially grapes where you can find lots of plantations along the route to the city proper. Since grape plantations are bountiful in the area, it is logical to note that wines in the country are produced there.
This is also the city where you can find villas of the rich. Exclusive enclaves are located near the lush greenery of the area. Florence is an ideal place to build houses either for residential or vacation purposes.
Of course, the commercial and tourist district is where you can find the best of Italian architecture. Shops utilizing old buildings as well as hotels abound in the city. It is just awesome to see the old world having the new style in business.
As a devout catholic, I was amazed at seeing different churches with different architecture that can be seen in every corner of Florence. Just like any other Italian city, it is where you can find the old churches and the new ones filled with devotees inside. But it should be noted that not all the time, these churches are open to the public. There is a certain time of the day that visitors are allowed inside.
Walking through the streets of Florence, I cannot help but be mesmerized at how the people were able to preserve certain structures to the delight of its visitors. Despite being in an earthquake-prone area, buildings in Florence where able to stand strong from the devastations that ravaged the city in the past.
Whatever name you might want to call it, Florence or Firenze, it is one city worth going to when in Italy. The atmosphere is light and breezy. You just have to be ready for long walks as the way to the shopping area are narrow streets with outstanding sights along the way.

Credit to the owners of two photos. Also, special thank you to Miss Laarni Silva for bringing us there.

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