Friday, February 21, 2020

The Hills are Alive in Salzburg

Salzburg is a city in Austria that is also frequented by tourists. At the onset, you may find it very serene and peaceful. But once you go inside, tourists abound just like any other important city in Europe.
One of the city's famous sons is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart who is renowned as one of the world's greatest musicians. In Salzburg, Mozart taught his students as well as music afficionados his kind of musical genius.
It is also in Salzburg where they say that the "hills are alive with the sound of music." Yes, it is the setting of the movie famous for its music and won an Oscar for Best Picture during its day.
Though modernity is at its doorsteps, Salzburg still has an atmosphere of the old since buildings and other establishments have been preserved. Typical European architecture is evident everywhere you go in the city.
The Salzach River is one tourist spot that one must pass through when in Salzburg. The main bridge has thousands of locks which makes it a place for lovers who made promises of locking their hearts forever.
Europe being predominantly catholic, churches can be seen and accessed in every important corner in Salzburg. Aside from churches, museums are also important must-visits.
Of course, a visit to Salzburg will not be complete without going to the shopping and tourist areas. Admittedly, prices are even cheaper than that of Vienna.
When in Austria, a visit to Salzburg is something worth the trip. The hills might be alive with the sound of music but Salzburg is alive teeming with tourists both local and international.

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