Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bratislava at Slovakia's Frontline

Bratislava Seal
Bratislava is the capital city of Slovakia or Slovak Republic. The country was once part of the Hungarian empire and was also in twin with Czech Republic when both were known then as the nation of Czechoslovakia.
Bratislava city
Since after the Velvet Revolution in 1992, Bratislava has been assigned as the capital city in 1993. Since then, it has been striving to have a persona of its own. Progress can be seen in the city as mused to us by our host.
One place to visit in the city is the Bratislava Castle which is a very important historical monument. It is located near the banks of the Danube River which also traverses the countries of Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary.
Bratislava is a city which can considered a place of contrasts. At one side, you will see old structures that are architectural delights. On another side, modern buildings have also been constructed.

The atmosphere in the city is typically European. Restaurants as well as other edifices are usually what you see not only in the region where the country is at. The people of Slovakia also know how to take care of their buildings especially those with historical value.
Bratislava Thank You
Despite the seeming modernity, Bratislava has maintained that charm that only Slovakians has. If one gets to the region in Europe, a side trip to Bratislava would be worth the trip.

Visit Bratislava, Slovakia's bet for the frontline. Thank you to Mrs. Angelita Santos and family for this trip.

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