Saturday, March 24, 2018

General Santos City is Not Just All About Tuna

A jewel of a city named General Santos City is fast becoming a hub especially from tuna that can be harvested from its bountiful seas. But the city is not just all about tuna. It has other things to offer to its visitors.
As in any other major city in the Philippines, malls have mushroomed in General Santos. Name all major malls in the country, the city has it all. Being a hub of Region 12, a lot of people go these establishments for shopping and leisure.
They say that when commercial establishments hit a boom in a certain area, it is destined for progress. That is what I saw in General Santos City. Aside from the city proper, businesses flourish in adjacent areas and it is a good sign.
The development of residential enclaves has started in the city. With its vast land area, General Santos City can be a good place to build homes.
A growing population necessitates the building of health care facilities to take care of the needs of the people. Hospitals are abound in General Santos City. This goes to show that the local government knows its priorities especially those that will benefit the people.
But General Santos City would not be as it is now without the tuna that made the city popular not only here in the Philippines but other Asian countries as well especially Japan which imports tuna from there. They say that tuna from GenSan is tastier as compared to the tunas harvested from others countries.
The General Santos International Airport does not only cater to commercial flights. International cargo airlines bring tuna from the city to different nearby countries. Of course, with the increased air traffic, the airport is now being renovated to accommodate more passengers and airplanes that make the city a port of call.
I was in General Santos City for the Southern Weaves fashion show during the Budayaw Festival participated in by member countries of BIMP-EAGA growth area. It was a big event hosted by the city and expectations were exceeded. Thanks to the effective preparations and hosting by the local government.
A visit to General Santos City is worth the trip. It may be a fast-rising city in Mindanao but nature is bountiful...preserved and unspoiled.

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