Monday, January 29, 2018

Arrividerci, Roma!

Rome is the capital of Italy. It is a city that is very rich in history and culture. For me, it is a living museum.
The Coloseum and the Arc of Constantine are places where lots of tourists can be seen. People fall in line just to see these two iconic structures in Rome. One will really feel astounded as to the way Italians preserve their historical places.
There seems to be non-stop restoration work done one several sites that have given up to the tests of time. The Italian government is doing serious work in the preservation of the historical structures. Meticulous work is being done by professionals 24/7.
In the old city, there is the Palantine Hill which is considered as the entrance to Rome. While traversing the route going to the old city, you will feel as if you are part of history. The ruins speak of the rich culture that the Romans had.
At first, I was appalled by the dirt that littered the city. As I roamed around, I fully understood why it the streets were full of trash. Hordes and hordes of tourists visit Rome on a daily basis. Well, it's a result of progress.
Every nook and cranny in Rome tells of stories. Stories which cannot be read or heard. The city is a story in history and culture. Despite modernity, Rome has maintained its stature of being a living museum.
Structures may abound the city but it has maintained and preserved nature at its best. Romans know how to take care of the environment.
Rome is a city that is easy to love. Distance should not hinder anybody from afar to visit the city. As they say...arrividerci, Roma! Until we meet again.

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