Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Verona: Setting of Romeo and Juliet

Verona in Italy is the setting of Shakespearean play "Romeo and Juliet." Romance is evident in the city.
Entering Verona taking the train, one can feel how romantic the city is. Flowers, plants, parks, statues, etc are scattered everywhere. First time tourists like me can feel it in the air.
Roman architecture is prevalent in the city. Thank goodness for ordinances and laws that protect structures from being renovated for modernization. A good old Roman coliseum is at the center of Verona. It is a popular venue for events that are staged in the city. Other structures of Roman type are still standing and of use.
The street leading to the statue and house of Juliet is lined with typical Italian buildings and stores that cater to the many tourists that visit Verona. The street are made from cobblestones which are typical in Italy.
It is said that you have to touch the breast of Juliet's statue so that whatever wish you may have regarding love, it will come true. At one side where the statue is located, love padlocks upon love padlocks can be seen hoping that those who locked their padlocks will stay in love forever.
Nearby is a mercato and a great number of restaurants to cater to those who have gone hungry from visiting the place where Romeo and Juliet met. Tourists are abundant and shopping stores are there for shoppers' delight.
If you are fond of authentic Italian architecture, Verona is a city to visit. I was astounded by the beautiful structures that I saw. Very Italian!
My visit to Verona may have been short but with all the things that I saw in the city, it's worth another train ride to explore it more. Special thanks goes to Ms. Cecil Silva for taking me and Mama Renee Salud to Verona.

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