Wednesday, August 3, 2016

There's More to Sausages and the Boys Choir in Vienna

Vienna in Austria is listed as the most livable city in the world. That's according to a survey made early this year. I would not wonder why. This peaceful city really feels warm despite the cold weather. It is a place worth visiting and deserving of the accolade.
Vienna is typical of any other European city. It is a mixture of the old and the new. Old architectural buildings have been maintained despite the proliferation of modern structures.
Part of the maintenance done by the government is having stores use the facade of building in their original state. Even the big-named houses of fashion and other business establishments make do with the buildings where they stores/businesses are located. I call it respect for legacy.
Vienna has a United Nations headquarters which decentralizes the activities of the world organization which has a Swiss office. Several offices are housed to cater to the needs of certain advocacies. Of course, there are castles upon castles since Austria was once ruled by the monarchy.
As in any other city in Europe, Vienna has many churches. Almost every corner we go to, we saw churches. One particular church that caught my attention was the St. Stephan Cathedral. The interiors of the said church can be considered baroque and modern. Austrians have a way of incorporating religion and art.
Despite the modern times, one can see artistry at its best. There is a certain aura of elegance which is very evident most especially in a modern city like Vienna.
Nearby Parndorf is a place where people who love shopping can go around to their hearts delight. Different brands, both known and start-ups, sell their wares at discounted prices. It is an outlet area which is visited by almost all tourists who go to Vienna. Never miss Parndorf!
Looking at Vienna from the mountain top, you will see a city that is serene yet it exudes a certain appeal of a place which is moving forward with the times. It is indeed deserving of its title as the World's Most Livable City.
Special thanks go to our host, Mrs. Angelita Santos, for taking care of us during our stay in Vienna. Her kindness and hospitality and that of her family and relatives truly made our trip to Austria a very memorable one. Thank you also to Elmer and Ellen Blanco for the valuable time they shared.
I would not mind going back to Vienna, if given another chance. After this trip, I realized that there is really more to Vienna than sausages and the boys' choir. It surely has a lot to offer.

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