Monday, March 9, 2015


Hello, everyone.  I'm new to blogging.  I've had an urge to write things about my travels to different places here in the Philippines and elsewhere but the usual manana habit prevented me from doing so.  This morning, as I was preparing for my appointments today, it struck my mind to really continue with this passion of travel blogging.  Let me make it clear that my blog will not be confined to travel alone.  My other passion which is fashion may be part of this endeavor.

As for my writing background, I was the Associate Editor of my school yearbook, Echoes of San Beda College (Mendiola campus).  I also wrote a column for the school organ, The Bedan.  When my father was still congressman of the 2nd District of Samar, I was one of his speech writers aside from writing his press releases.  I also write scripts for some of my shows.  By the way, I am also a fashion show director.

In my succeeding blogs, I will be writing many things especially the places that I have visited and will visit in the future.  I find writing as a therapy from my work.  Besides, this shall be a practice of my past endeavor as a writer.

I hope that all of you will like this blog and I hope that we learn from each other.  Comments are very much welcome.

In the meantime, CIAO!


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