Monday, August 2, 2021

A Charming California City Named Pinole

Pinole is a charming city in California which is part of the Bay Area. It is located in the banks of the San Francisco Bay and is just a few miles away from the big city of San Francisco. It is my second home away from home for I stay with my relatives whenever I am in the west coast.

I cannot blame my aunts in residing there because it is a homey place. Its surrounds are mostly residential houses and it is a city which offers peace and comfort after a hard day's work in nearby San Francisco.

Of course, as in any other cities in America, it has its shopping area that cater to the daily and special needs of its people. Since it is near to other cities in the Bay Area, it is also easy to travel from Pinole to other places for shopping purposes.

There are many places of leisure in the city. There is the Pinole 10 Cinemas for moviephiles. There is also the Pinole Swim Center for waterholics. Children also have the Pinole Valley Park which has lots of playground space to enjoy.

The effective city management by its elected officials makes the city really livable. Its people feel secured knowing that they are well-guarded 24/7. It is one of the first cities in America to have CCTV cameras installed in the whole of Pinole thereby preventing serious crimes to be committed.

One sound that makes Pinole unique is the sound of trains passing by. It is music to the ears of its residents as well as visitors like me. The mere sight of the San Francisco Bay and the City of San Francisco itself are scenes to be cherished.

After this pandemic is over, it would be nice to visit relatives again and be charmed by this city by the bay. Of the many times that I have visited Pinole, I would not get tired of enjoying its environs aside, of course, enjoying the company of my maternal aunts.

Credit to the owners of the photos.