Sunday, March 31, 2019

Bologna is not Just Meat...It is Also an Italian City

For some, when they hear Bologna, they think of it as sandwich filling or some kind of a meat. Well, that's true. But it is also an Italian city where, despite the emergence of modernity, still has that Italian vibe.
Bologna is located in the northern part of Italy and is one favorite shopping areas. Many night markets can be enjoyed by shoppaholics and prices are really low. Imagine, an Italian pair of shoes for just 10 to 20 euros.
Since Italy is the seat of catholicism, it is but natural that church can also be found in Bologna in almost every street you go to. Some of its churches are even considered as museums already. What with those beautiful architecture as well as intricate interiors.
During our stay, we were billeted at the Savioa Hotel Regency which is located near the big highway but the quiet ambience makes this four-star hotel a good venue for events and conferences. Its ballroom was where our fashion show was held.
Strolling around the city, one cannot help but be awed with the way Italians preserve their structures. Branded names are not allowed to change the facade of their stores. They can only put a small brand name within the premises of the building.
Transportation is very easy. Buses ply routes of your choice. Since there are lots of cars already in the city, some opt to travel by bicycle. Discipline is key for the traffic situation not to worsen. Bologna has that discipline with its people riding buses and bicycle instead of using cars.
When in Bologna, you cannot help but be amazed by the structures that you see in the city. Despite the modern times, the atmosphere is still very Italian and European. I envy at how they value posterity as well as heritage. It is also called the red city because most of the structures are made from red bricks with terra cotta roofings.
Given another chance, I still would love to visit Bologna in the future. The five days that we were in the city were not enough to explore more. Many thanks to our sponsors Ms. Dittz Centeno and Ms. Laarni Silva.

Bologna is more than meat. It is an Italian city that has "meat" for culture.