Monday, March 6, 2017

Pinto Art Museum in Antipolo City

Sunday is usually church day and time to laze around either in your own room or anywhere else where you can just roam around without thinking of work or other matters. But March 5, 2017 was a Sunday that was both educational, art appreciation day and an awakening one for me. I was treated to my eyes' delight. Thank you to Edgar Madamba for bringing me to Pinto Art Museum located in Antipolo City. The owner, Dr. Joven Cuanang, is a neurologist and an art afficionado/collector who thought of making a museum out of his collections.
The two-hectare property consists of several Mediterranean-type buildings which house galleries of paintings and artworks of different media. Pinto Art Museum is not only a haven for artists, it is also a tourist attraction of sorts. With the many people who visited the place both local and international tourists, this art sanctuary is definitely a must-see and should be part of a tourism package.
Artworks of different forms can be seen in the whole complex. From the classic paintings to the digital art forms to installations and even artistic graffitis are displayed for everyone's appreciation. It cannot be considered an overload of artistic works because everything in the museum is worth seeing. It is a soothing venue of artists' expressions. It is simply a heaven of artistic proportions.
Walking from one gallery to another has a feeling of going through a labyrinth which keeps one surprised as what the next area offers. Despite the expansive galleries and the stairs that you would walk through, there was not a feeling of tiredness as the artworks were so interesting and invigorating.
Since the area is so big, the owner decided to bring in Cafe Rizal for the needs of visitors who get hungry while going around. It has three restaurant in all the levels of Pinto Art Museum.
The edifices inside the complex are also worth appreciating. Buildings which are inspired from architectural structures the can be seen in the Mediterranean, the Carribean as well as local ones were built to serve as galleries of the artworks. They, themselves, are visual delights.
Pinto Art Museum is where the respected masters and the new millennium geniuses converge and unite. They share one common cause - to bring art to the people.
It is surprising to note that people from all ages were in the art venue on a Sunday. It is one place that has crossed the boundaries of ages. Young and old were there so admire art at its best. Locals as well as foreign visitors mingled and appreciated what Pinto Art Museum has to offer. The P200 entrance fee is all worth it.